Left Right Left Worksheet

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See All Grade 4 halloween Math Worksheets

About Left Right Left Worksheet

In Indian army the 4 soldiers are very careless and manner less. They do not obey their senior`s order. Hence one day his senior in anger told them to run along large grounds. The 4 soldier`s running path is given. Help Tonu in finding the length of each ground.

Math Skills
  • Finding the perimeter by addition of given/missing lengths of complex rectilinear shapes.

Life Skills

    What Parents say..

    Ever since we started using BrainX our primary school Maths staff has been relieved a lot. BrainX helped a lot of students who were not grasping the concept behind the Maths. Even parents have noticed the change in the knowledge of concepts in their kids.

    Raghu Das, Principal at Jaipur Public International School (Grade 2)

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