Splitting Fractions Worksheet

4.6 out of 5
See All Grade 4 thanksgiving Math Worksheets

About Splitting Fractions Worksheet

Marry and her friends were playing in the house named `House Of Fractions`. Then a powerful man came and gave them a fraction of sticks and asked if they could you split each fraction stick into its numerator and denominator. Help them.

Math Skills
  • Finding the Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction.

Life Skills

    What Parents say..

    It removed his fear of Maths. I see that he has started taking interest in Maths, which was not the case previously. For him, the exercises are very much like a game. He has to color things, paint, draw and solve a puzzle. All while he is doing maths. I think this is great for him.

    Sajjan Goyal, Father of Mayur (Grade 3)

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